Thursday, March 7, 2013

Home is where the heart is

We knew that God had called us to the country of Honduras.
Our kids were all on board excited to go to a country they had only heard about.
We decided to see if we could take them on a fact finding trip to see it and experience it for themselves before the final move. 
Dale, the amazing deal finder found us a great price on tickets and we paid for it from our own personal savings.

It was absolutely incredible seeing the way each of my children fit in down there. My heart was full and bursting with joy as I just stood back and watched them hug and play soccer and tag with children who spoke another language.  They loved these kids and loved playing with them.
I watched them in ministry with Dale with the Bible lesson, game and puppet show. I saw my kids become alive.

My son Ben told me at the one school that he didn't want to go to a private school, he wanted to go to this one; run down, dirty and in an area run by gangs, that is not exactly "safe"
He just wanted to be with these kids. " I love it here" he told me.
He also made a very wise observation, that "Poor people are more joyful because they don't have as many distractions."  It's so true.

Over there our children were excited to be there.  They loved every moment and at times as frustrating as it was for Dale and myself....they were way over the top excited. I don't know if I have ever seen them so happy and content.

We attended an English speaking church on Sunday afternoon called CCI . Each of the our kids made new friends with the other MK's there. ( missionary kids) They want to go to that church when we move.

I cannot tell you what a comfort it is to know that beyond a shadow of a doubt that they WILL be ok there. It may take some time to adjust but they will be just fine. They know that God has called them too to Honduras.
Seeing their excitement and joy; seeing them come alive around the children in the Schools of Hope; the fact that they all said they cannot wait to move to Honduras is only further confirmation that is exactly where God wants us to be.

When our nine days were over, none of us wanted to come back. We all felt a sense of belonging that this land; Honduras was home.
We knew we had to return though to continue to raise our support to go...but our hearts remain in Honduras.

The morning of our departure we had our usual devotions together and Judy read from Joshua 1.

Joshua 1:9... This is my command- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

So, we know that whether we are here in Stratford finishing up the work that is to be done still here or in Tegucigalpa...that he is always with us! He is never going to leave us or forsake us.

Ps 16:8 I know the Lord is always with me.  I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

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