Sunday, July 7, 2013

Do you have a dream?

How many people have a dream; something they would love to do.....someday? Maybe when the time is right. When the kids are grown. When they retire. Someday in the future.
How many of us have a bucket list of things we want to do before we die?
Maybe... just maybe those dreams are God given, dreams that God has put in your heart. Maybe it is Him stirring things up inside, the desire for more. The desire to do more, do something different, something outside the box.  Perhaps it's a career change. Perhaps it's for missions. That desire to go.

Can I encourage you for a moment to take a risk? Be like Peter and be willing to step out of the boat. Sure, he doubted and he began to sink. But out of all the disciples in that boat he was the only one willing to get out of the boat and walk on water. The others sat back and watched. Some of them may have thought "I wish I had the guts to do that" or maybe they thought he was crazy. It doesn't matter what thoughts were running through their minds really...except that Peter was willing to take a risk. The only one.

Maybe you have a dream. If you have a journal or a blog or some other means of recording your thoughts, why not write it down? Record how you are feeling and thinking. Record what  you feel the spirit of God speaking to your heart.  Record the dreams he has given you. You never know where they will take you. Or when.

Habbakuk 2:2-3 ( the message) says
    And then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. 3 This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming - it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time.

My thought is that God is not going to put dreams in our hearts and leave it at that. We need to be willing to step out in faith and watch how God works. He isn't going to abandon us. He is faithful and will walk with us each step of the way. Sometimes it may seem like the process is taking forever...but know that it will happen when it is meant to. We need to take that first step.

Tonight we went to Braeside camp to take in one last service there before we leave for Honduras. The speaker told an amazing story about someone that took a risk and I am going to attempt to tell it to the best of my memory.

There was a minister scheduled to speak at a pastors conference in a large city. For some reason he felt God telling him to preach a message of salvation. He questioned it because all the people there would be pastors. Why would God want him to preach on salvation to a group of pastors?  It just didn't make sense. He told his wife, who told him " If God is telling you to do it, then you need to do it  "

In another part of town there was a man who felt strongly led to go into the red light district of his city.
He had a plan and talked to his wife about it.. Her response was " need to talk to the pastor"
He told his pastor who told him basically the same thing. " Woah.. you need talk to your wife"
So the man took a large amount of money from his life savings and went into the red light district with the church van and the church's name blazoned across the front. He began to stop and ask the girls who worked the street..
 "How much do you charge for three hours?" Each one would reply with their rate and his response to each of them was  "OK. Get in the van"
 One by one the girls went into the church van. Finally after his money was gone, thirteen girls sat in that church van. The door closed and the man announced. "Ok. We are going to church"
He drove them to the church hosting the pastors conference.  All the girls, thirteen prostitutes sat in the back row.
For the first time those girls who worked the streets...heard the Word of God. The wonderful message of salvation. And do you know what? One by one each of the girls made their way to the front of that church full of men of God, and gave their lives to Christ.
Now, three years later, all thirteen of those girls are serving the Lord. Not only that but they are bringing others to Him.
All because of a man who heard God's voice and was willing to take a huge risk.
How about you? Are you willing to be a risk taker, pursue the dreams He has given you?
What would happen if you did?

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