Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's been one month.....part 2

One of the things we have been doing since arriving in Honduras is heading up to our kids school for various appointments. All along we thought they were starting August 8th; when in reality it is this coming Monday, August 26.
We have already purchased their uniforms with the exception of white socks for Elisa. Ben and Elisa are not looking forward to wearing the uniforms. Elisa was downright grumpy about it after we brought them home last week. She thinks they are ugly and I tend to agree with her, but I totally get the whole wearing a uniform thing. Stay tuned for photos.

Any of the handouts we have been given at these meetings with important information are all in Spanish. That's a little frustrating since at the moment we know very little Spanish. So, in reality we are signing forms that we have no clue what we are signing. Well, we  have a general idea I suppose as most of the information is covered at the meetings. Thankfully they did have an interpreter there for us.  Hopefully none of the guidelines are broken by our kids as there are consequences. . I know the boys have to have their hair kept nice and trim and around the ears; and no low riding for my oldest, no make up for Elisa. The are different uniforms for different days of the week as well, and you can't show up in the wrong uniform.

This week alone we have to be at the school four different times. Three of the meeting times are at 5pm. I asked Judy about the time because to me it seemed odd to have a meeting begin at 5pm when that is dinner least for my family.  On more than one occasion I have noticed this. The other time was when we attended CEAD church they had announced an evening of praise and worship this coming Sunday from 5-7.  Again, I thought to myself  "why in the world have a meeting start at 5pm?"
Apparently in Honduras most people eat their evening meal later on; 7 or even 8pm. It makes total sense now why the meetings begin at 5.

One day this past week Dale and I stopped in at a language school to look into language training. It is so imperative that we get started on this immediately. It is probably the biggest struggle right now is being in the dark about everything; not understanding what people are trying to communicate with you. There are many times when I get the gist of it, but basically no comprende.
It was like that when we attended the Spanish speaking church service at CEAD. It was all in Spanish so we didn`t have a clue what was being said. The worship was amazing, and we were familiar with the songs as they were Hillsongs United, but again didn`t know the words so sang them in English.
Once we have the language down pat it will make things so much better. Not just for understanding what people are saying to us, but for getting to know them, getting to know their heart, what their needs are and being able to minister to them effectively.

There are times when I feel so emotional. Please don`t misunderstand me. I am happy and excited to finally be here, but there are times when I feel lonely and sad. Grumpy even.  I miss my family and my friends back in Canada a lot. We are trying to fit into a culture that we really don`t belong in. Some things may look like Canada on the outside but in reality it isn`t Canada and it`s so different. One has to be more cautious here. Always on the alert to your surroundings.  For someone like me who is used to being on the go all the time, I find this very difficult. I can`t just walk to the mall or coffee shop if I need to get out of the house. There have been times where I feel cooped up. I know it`s all an adjustment and God is helping me get through it and giving me the strength each day. I am learning that it`s ok to just in Him and draw closer to Him because without the Lord I would never be able to get through each day.

I am learning patience....slowly! Things here take longer than they do in Canada. Even when purchasing office chairs from Office Depot is an outing that is not as simple as just buying a couple chairs. Nope. They open each box and take each part of the chair out piece by piece and slowly very slow motion, take it out and look at from each angle inspecting it piece by piece. It`s funny now but in the moment when you are in a hurry and wanting to get on to the next thing it`s not so funny. Everything within me is saying hurry up!!. Why is this taking so long!  Opening a bank account took two hours! So it`s a learning process as we adjust to life here in Honduras. Life in the slow lane except for when you are in traffic when no one has any patience and cars are honking at you to move when you have no where to go. It takes getting used to.

I was reading in my devotions the other day and the words kind of jumped out at me..
Romans 5.3-5 ( The  Message)
There`s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we are hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we`re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary- we can`t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit.

sign at the kids school.

So that being said....please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we adjust to a new culture and new country.  It`s an adjustment for us all. We appreciate your prayers so much.

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