Tuesday, August 27, 2013

School Begins!

August 26th, 2013

Last night you could feel the excitement in the air at our house. The kids were so excited to start school in the morning. I don't know if there has ever been a time where they have been happy to be starting a new year.   Well, perhaps a little happy but not like this. Not over the top, over the moon, pumped about going.
Even the night before  last night Elisa was trying on all three of her uniforms and prancing around the house in them. As much as she says she hates the formal uniform ( a jumper) she seemed ecstatic to be modeling it as she spun and twirled around in it. Even the dreaded white knee socks ( which we found out are not mandatory) didn't look that bad.

Today all three of them were awake shortly after 5:30 in the morning. There was no fighting. A first in this home. Such a welcomed change and a breath of fresh air. None of the usual before school stress and everyone got along.

After breakfast and our morning devotions with the kids, we headed out to the gate and waited for the bus to honk it's horn to alert us of its arrival. They were excited to board the bus and Dale and I were excited to see them go. Peace and quiet at last!
After the kids were on the bus, Dale and I headed out to the Villa Olimpica track for our walk/run. I was happy to get there earlier in the day when it was actually a little cooler out and not so warm.  It is very motivating to be walking or running with about a hundred other people. There are also many people along the sides of the track working out with their trainers.

A while after this Dale and I went out to the grocery store. I had decided the night before to keep my tradition of making a first day of school cake. I needed a can of frosting though since I didn't have all the ingredients at home to make it from scratch...nor did I have the time.  While we were in the grocery store I saw something I wasn't even looking for. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I seeing things?  Could that really be half and half?
Ever since we moved to Honduras I have missed cream in my coffee so much. 
Not only was it in the grocery store I most often shop in...it was on sale! It wasn't more than what I would pay in Canada. It made my day, and the best cup of coffee I have had in a while. I was so thankful to God that I found it. I would never have thought a carton of cream could be such a blessing.
This afternoon after lunch Dale and I also had our first Spanish class. We hired a lady named Blanca to come to our home and teach us. Wow. She told us by the end of the week we are going to hate her. and she just may be right. I am joking of course as hate is a strong word....but I understand what she means. It was soooo much to take in.  Overwhelming.  It was only two hours and already our brains feel like they are on overload.

We finished up with our Spanish class and Dale's phone rang. Apparently the our children missed the bus to come home so Dale had to go get them.
When they came home from school, all three of them were so happy and excited. All of them had fantastic days, and said that they love their new school. They all made friends. I was the most surprised with Elisa. I know my girl well, and she surprised me when she didn't come home from school heart broken and in tears and none of the usual drama. She was calm.

At dinner time I always talk to the kids and ask them "What is the best thing that happened to you today?"
Tonight, this was their response...
Elisa..."I like the teacher. She was happy and joyful and fun loving" She proceeded to imitate her. It was hilarious.
Ben.." I liked all the friends that I made and they are all girls" He later thanked God for all his "girlfriends"
Jacob " I made a lot of friends. The teachers are awesome"

Anyway, as I prepare to turn in for the night, my heart is full. I am so thankful to the Lord that we followed His leading and came to Honduras. I am thankful that we chose the school that we did, and that my children are happy here. Happy to be a part of everything that is new to them. New country, new culture, new home and new school.  It's almost overwhelming when I think of all the changes they have faced in a short amount of time. So far there have not been tears.  Though in time they may come. There have been no regrets and all three of them have said to me different times "I LOVE Honduras"

There have been times that they have shown wisdom beyond their years. Take Ben for instance.
Just the other day I was stressing about a situation about our home in Canada that we are renting out and Ben over heard me. He said "Don't worry mom, God's gonna take care of it. He didn't bring us all the way to Honduras just for us to turn around and go home" Ouch. So true. The faith of a child. Because the truth is...He is faithful! We can put all of our trust in Him and his faithfulness. We can depend on Him to be there for us each step of the journey.

1. Thessalonians 5:24
The Message
23-24 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!

Lamentations 3:22-24
22-24 God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,
    his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
    How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
    He’s all I’ve got left.

August 27, Day 2 Photo


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